2014 Favorites

December 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

As 2014 is just a few shy weeks of being over, I still feel so blessed to do what I love most for a living-create images. Photography has brought me to some amazing places, opened my ears to new music, and introduced me to some terrific people. Jennifer Hudson is always a joy to photograph-her voice gives me chills and her smile can light up the entire island of Manhattan. Dee Snider and Twisted Sister were absolutely AMAZING. I wish they played more songs. I am usually ok with the "3 songs and out" but after 5 songs in their short set, I wish they played another 20.                                                                                                                          John Legend                                                                                                              Adam Levine of Maroon 5 Gavin DeGraw is always great, and when he played at the Wellmont Theater in Montclair, NJ for Super Bowl week, he did not disappoint.                                                                                                                        Mariah Carey                               Jennifer Lopez jumps into the crowd at Good Morning America (above) and gets lost in her hair (below)                                                                                                                        Luke Bryan                                                                                                                        Shakira                                                                                                                              Usher                                                                                                                           Darren Criss                                                                                                                         Brad Paisley                             Alice Cooper joins Joan Jett at the Little Kids Rock Benefit where Joan was honored as Musician of the Year Neil Diamond performed back at his high school in Brooklyn, Erasmus Hall High School. It was a once in a life-time event to be able to shoot this. It was a spectacular night. The annual Light Of Day concerts in Asbury Park (to benefit Parkinson's Disease) is always a time when I run into people from all over the world. It is also a time to see some amazing musicians, and then the special guest of Bruce Springsteen as well. Below, he joins Willie Nile who NEVER disappoints. I first saw/photographed Willie in the early 1980s. This night, I had to google to see how old he was because he has the energy of an 18 year old. His songs, his performances...RUN to see this great musician. My book tour for first book, "Bruce Springsteen In Focus 1980-2012" continued on for the first 6 months of the year and I had book signings in Atlanta in April, and 4 at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut to close out his 18 month long tour in May. I brought a long my point and shoot camera and was just going to focus on the fans, until at one point Bruce literally walked in front of the lens. So, I had to focus the attention to him. I love shooting him with all his fans..and spotting all the people I know in the photos.                                                     at Mohegan Sun. My friends Janice, Amy and Howie and Jeff are in this photo                                                                                                             Mick Jagger I was at the book expo for my next book, "You Don't Have to Be Purrrrfect" but was still doing some talks about my Springsteen book when I ran into Billy Idol. As he pointed to my book, and then back to his, I said "mine is bigger" and he laughed. Billy was the 3rd performer I shot (after Springsteen and Southside Johnny)-back in 1981                                                                                                Rob Lowe....still gorgeous                                                                                                Matthew McConaughey                                                                                                              Jada Pinkett-Smith                                                                                                 Zooey Deschanel-she is absolutely stunning                                   Fleetwood Mac. What else can be said? They are legends. LOVED seeing them back together as a band                                                                                                             New Jersey's Bobby Mahoney. This assignment was one I almost turned down. I never ask what I am being assigned, and when I got this call I said no because I was waiting for a package. A few hours went by and the call came in again asking if I can do it. I still said I was waiting for my package but asked what it was. Spending an evening with actor Chris Pratt and then watching him surprise a group of lucky kids at a special screening of "Guardians of the Galaxy." I said yes to the shoot..and the package arrived 15 minutes later! It was a great evening and he is charming, gracious, talented, funny and gorgeous.                                                                                       on a fly over in my husband's R-22 helicopter                                                                                                                  scenes of NYC my neighbor Symone got married to Lab in Central Park. My friend Natalie was the photographer but I went to the park to use the new Nikon D810 and 80-400mm f4-5.6 that Nikon, Adorama and the Photo Brigade gave me for a review. LOVE the camera and lens. A PROUD Day in May. My father received his Masters Degree from Temple University. At age 84, he was the oldest graduate. I am so proud. the stars of "You Don'T Have To Be Purrrrfect"-to be released on March 4, 2015..Frankie (above) and Fredo (below) due out March 5, 2015                                                                                                    Howling woods farm in Jackson, NJ There are SO many things that I love about what I do for a living, but one is definitely being asked to shoot something so amazing. This is the Savoy Theater in Asbury Park, NJ. It is an 800 seat theater that has been closed for 40 years and is in the process of being renovated. I have spent so much time in Asbury and never knew this theater existed. LOVED shooting in there and hope to get back at least one more time. Closing out the year to an image I am glad I got. I got the call late on Dec 1-Bruce Springsteen is fronting U2, along with performances by Chris Martin, Carrie Underwood and Kanye West in Times Square for World AID Day (RED) Concert. The morning started with the temperature being 62 degrees. When I left to go to Times Square-I almost didn't bring a coat. I am so glad I did-the temperature dropped 30 degrees, it started to POUR and it was very chilly. It was along wait but made shorter because I ran into an old Springsteen fan, William. He made the night really fun. Chris Martin's set was great and then Bruce came out and seeing him front U2 was worth shooting with a bag over my head and being totally drenched.


Hope you all have a happy and Healthy 2015.



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