Bruce Springsteen In Focus Book Tour goes to Philadelphia

December 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

on the Backstreets of Pennsylvania! Snow started falling in NYC and I met my Turn the Page Publisher, Roseann Lentin, in NJ and we headed to PA to meet up with our awesome book designer Robin McGeever for 3 days of TV, radio and print interviews. We headed to Philadelphia for a few days and it was nice to be back in the city where my parents were born, lived, met, fell in love and got married. Walking on some of the same streets that my mother used to walk on was a nice feeling. I know she would have been so THRILLED that I was back in her HOMETOWN! my old friend Hugh E. Dillon surprised me at my book signing at the Barnes and Noble at Rittenhouse Square. Hugh E. is the creator/photographer/writer of PhillyChitChat and an author at Philadelphia Magazine, and all all around great guy. Speaking at the University of Pennsylvania's book store old college friend Robin Shaffer came out to see me. High School classmate Ed Siebert and his wife also came by and college friend Tom White did too. It felt like old home week!  Kris and Melissa Noyes stopped by too, and Kris is even in the book-in the crowd on page 180! It was really nice seeing old friends. I spent an hour on NJ 101.5 with Steve Trevelise. I LOVED hanging with him-it felt like an old friend and we were catching up. When the hour was up, he said it flew by and said "you're so coming back." ANY TIME Steve! Anytime. I know you were joking when you asked if I could fill in for you one night, but I was serious. Steve wrote this about my book: "A glorious hardbound tribute to the man who inspired her dreams, Rothenberg’s book is an unparalleled collection of memorable, rare and iconic Springsteen photos from a perspective only a true “Jersey Girl” could offer. Covering concert tours in national and international arenas and stadiums, and impromptu Jersey Shore club appearances – from the legendary Stone Pony in Asbury Park to less notorious nightspots like Rum Runner in Sea Bright and Cheers in Long Branch, this 276 photo, 200-page volume is a must for all fans, chronicling The Boss from “The River” Tour to “The Wrecking Ball” Tour and many Jersey Shore haunts in-between." live on Eyewitness News This Morning on CBS 3 Philadelphia with Erika von Tiehl. I have been meeting some wonderful people while on the book tour Ukee Washington, co-anchor of Eyewitness News This Morning on CBS 3 Philadelphia

I spent an hour on WPHT 1210-AM radio with Paul Perrello, News Director at Metro Networks-Westwood One.  It's so hard to call it an interview because once again, it felt as if I was talking with an old friend about Bruce Springsteen and Photography. Rocky Balboa and the Philadelphia Museum. We didn't have anytime to run up the steps so a "drive by" had to do It's been a long time since I have spent time in Philadelphia and I forgot how much I love that city. It has such a great feel to it. As the book tour of Philadelphia came to an end, it is back to NYC for a few hours and then off to Unique Photo on Saturday December 14 for a presentation with Olympus about my book, and using their wonderful products. The presentation is from 6-8 and books will be available. There was a nice ad in my hometown newspaper, The Bergen Record


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